Thursday, December 16, 2010

What if the child does not like fruit, vegetables and milk?

What if the child does not like fruit, vegetables and milk? Most of you might say to keep trying to introduce. But if only this technique is undertaken, the results are not always effective.
Not long ago, Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, a group of independent scientists who advise the government on the American people an ideal consumption-identify that both children and adults need to get more calcium, vitamin D, potassium, and fiber. You can get these nutrients in milk, fruits, vegetables, and grains-foods that are usually shunned a series of children.
Here are solutions to help the little one voter food (picky eaters) to get food and nutrients they need, as quoted by Eating Well.

Do not like fruit

The solution, though the fruit in the milkshake. Most fruits give the amount of potassium and vitamin C are sufficient while the smoothie made from fruit is a fitting way to hide fruit in the presentation.
Most kids feel attracted to suck up drinks with a straw. Smoothie of the store is often loaded with lots of added sugar, making for a healthier menu, make yourself at home.

Children do not like to eat broccoli (and other vegetables)

The solution, flush with cheese sauce. Adding the cheese over the vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower, or cabbage help "tame" a sense of what makes children lazy to eat. Indeed, cheese is generally contain more calories and saturated fat than low-fat dairy products, but also gives the cheese a little calcium.
The key is to add the cheese just enough to make vegetables taste good, does not eliminate the calories and fat vegetables.

Children do not like drinking milk

The solution, add the chocolate. In fact, chocolate milk more than the kids love vanilla milk. If you impose full cream milk until finally he drank milk, the child will lose important nutrients provided by milk.

With or without flavor, milk provides calcium (1 cup provides a third of daily requirement), vitamin D, riboflavin, niacin, phosphorus, and protein. Chocolate milk does contain added sugar, but seem to drink milk with the flavor does not mean you can not add sugar diet for children. For according to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, children who drink milk with a sense of having a higher calcium intake than children who do not drink milk without feeling, but the overall intake of added sugars they are the same.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Beware of malnutrition among children under five

Malnutrition among children under five is also less energy protein, characterized by the heavy weight is less than it should. (KMS weight on the line below the red or yellow ribbon bottom).

Causes of malnutrition:
• Lack of eating nutritious foods for a long time
• Suffering from illness, especially infectious diseases
• Experiencing digestive tract dysfunction.

As a result of malnutrition among children under five:
• Impaired growth and development
• Easy to disease
• The reduced intelligence and activity.

Terms of feeding:
1. Given in stages in accordance with the conditions of children under five
2. High calorie, gradually starting from 50 kcal / kg higher 150-300 kcal / kg per day
3. High protein, gradually ranging from 1 gram / kg up to 3-5 grams / kg daily
4. Lots of fluids, especially diarrhea, the amount of fluid 200 mi / kg daily
5. Form of food according to circumstances: liquid, creamed, soft, and regular.
Phase feeding feeding malnourished children under five there are three phases: adjustment, growth, continued.
1. Phase adjustment
• Awarded for 1-2 weeks or more depending on the ability of infants to receive and digest. Calories are given ranging from 50 kcal / kg.
• The main source of milk protein, is given in stages to dilute 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 3 / 3, each stage for 2-3 days.
• If weight loss is less than 7 kg, the food should be given a modified form of food (milk porridge). Gradually given soft food.
• If weight loss 7 kg or more, provided such food for children 1 year: with the form of food according to the conditions.
2. Stage of healing
When the appetite and improved tolerance to food, feeding gradually increased.

3. Advanced Stage
Can be given normal food. At this stage must be sufficient energy, protein and other nutrients that contain between 1100-1500 calories and 25-50 grams of protein per day.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Healthy food for pregnant women

There are so many types of food. But for pregnant women should avoid some foods that can cause infections such as: salmonella, toxoplasmosis, listeria, E. coli, which can harm the baby in your womb.

• Do not eat raw meat (sushi) cooked or undercooked, because it contains Toxoplasmosis a parasite that can cause serious infection in your baby as well as E. coli, which is dangerous for pregnant women and fetuses.

• Toxoplasmosis found in vegetables are not washed properly, therefore wash your vegetables well, especially for salads or vegetables are eaten raw. Avoid cat feces or playing with cats during pregnancy because they contain toxoplasmosis.

• Do not eat chicken and undercooked eggs are cooked or raw, avoid eating the liver of chicken / meat that may be the source of the salmonella, which can cause severe diarrhea in pregnant women. Also note the dishes, cooking tools are exposed to raw chicken meat is to be washed.

• Tuna steak, fish, sea bass, shark, or large-sized fish are known to contain high levels of mercury can cause neurological damage if eaten in large quantities. FDA recommendations tuna and large size is limited to 12 ounces per week

• Soft cheese such as brie and camembert, cheese blueveined also cheese from goat's milk and sheep, and do not drink milk that is not pasteurized. All these products have a risk of carrying listeria. Listeria type of bacteria that can penetrate the placenta and cause fetal infection, in adults there are no symptoms or flu-like. Listeria can cause miscarriage, premature birth, and toxicity in the blood. But avoid these foods until your baby.

• Do not drink containing alcohol can cause abnormalities in fetal development there is also an emotional problem in infants.

• Drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea should be avoided or limited because of coffee can affect the baby's low weight, miscarriage and caffeine also reduces the absorption of iron.

Remember your baby's development in the womb depends on what you eat during pregnancy.
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Monday, December 13, 2010

Some tips to relieve stress in pregnant women

You can try some tips to overcome stress. Remember above all try to protect you and your baby from the bad influence of this stress.

Some tips to relieve stress in pregnant women:

• Try Searching for Cause. Try to find out whether the cause of your stress - your personal relationships or in connection with your job, or the other and find an effective way to cope and deal with it.

• Eat a Good Diet. . When we are healthy and fit, we will be able to cope with stress by better. For that you must keep a healthy diet, adequate rest, and do regular exercise that will help you to keep fit.

• Sports. . Research shows that exercise during pregnancy not only makes a healthy body-fit also makes a healthy soul.

• Avoid Habits That No Good For Emotional Factors .. Look for other alternatives if you become really want to smoke, or alcohol. Try to switch to exercising, talking with friends / family, singing, chewed gum, or eat fruit or anything else you can do to divert your wish that this could harm your baby.

• Communication. . Social isolation and feeling alone makes you more difficult to deal with trouble, sorrow. Establish a good emotional relationship with your partner, your family and your friends. Communication / good emotional relationship will help you deal with adversity and sadness because of support from spouse, family and friends.

• Following the activity. . Meditation, Yoga and massage will help reduce tension in your muscles. According to research proved these activities affect the body's reaction to stress by lowering stress hormones and slow the heart rate.

• Rest the Comfortable., Lie down on one side (the left side recommended), dikamar a quiet, listen to soft music, imagine yourself in place that you like for example on the beach, in parks etc..

• Talk with your doctor .. You can talk about your feelings and your complaints to your doctor. Do not hesitate and shy to express your feelings and your complaints to your doctor. The doctor will assess whether you need treatment or not, or if you need to consult a doctor of psychiatry. So that can be taken as quickly and as possible.

Try to make the days are beautiful during your pregnancy, which will give an unforgettable wonderful experience for you and your partner.

Pregnancy is a wonderful gift from Him to you!
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

How sleeping position is best for pregnant women?

Pregnant women should not have to worry about the baby in the womb you feel uncomfortable or dangerous, because the mother's body is so unique in the created order to provide protection, as well as the fetus in the womb you do not ever feel uncomfortable because the fetus in the womb floats in amniotic fluid and have their own space to move freely.

Sleeping with the prone position, it is safe for pregnant women but usually pasa first trimester of pregnancy, the breast enlargement and breast are also more sensitive will cause inconvenience to sleep on his stomach, and at a time when your stomach has begun to enlarge (initial 14 weeks) sleeping with the prone position become very uncomfortable because you have to support the thigh with a pillow to sleep on his stomach because the stomach begins to enlarge. From a survey of pregnant women who slept with the prone position before 16 weeks of 1% but after about 16 weeks to 0%.

Sleep on their backs, it is recommended after pregnancy is 16 weeks pregnant women to not sleep on their backs, because you put to sleep on their backs the whole weight of the uterus to the back, intestines, and the inferior vena cava. Sleep on their backs can also increase the risk of back pain, hemorrhoids, and indigestion, and disrupt breathing and circulation. Supine sleeping position on the second and third trimester can also affect blood pressure. For some women, causes a decrease in blood pressure that makes them feel dizzy, to the others, actually increase blood pressure. In the case of pregnancy with high blood pressure with their backs to sleep is NOT recommended.

Actually, how sleeping position is best for pregnant women?

No further research on safe sleeping positions for pregnant women, but highly recommended after 16 weeks gestation, pregnant women should sleep with SLOPE POSITION TO LEFT SIDE, because this position gives advantage for your baby to get the blood flow and nutrients to the maximum placenta because of the large vein (vena cava inferior) on the back of the right spine of which return blood from the lower body to the heart. It can also help the kidneys to remove excess fluid from the product and the mother's body, thereby reducing the swelling in the feet, ankles and hands.

Sleep SLOPE POSITION TO RIGHT, are also good, you can change their right-left tilt position to make you sleep more comfortably.

If you wake up tonight and find you sleeping on your back, do not worry, --- you are not doing anything to harm your baby. Return it to your side. Moreover, in later pregnancy, in which the stomach is enlarged, along with other conditions such as cramps, frequent urination, false contractions, your baby is kicking the stomach, a sense of increased stomach acid that will cause the mother would wake up several times at night so she is definitely going to change sleeping position and therefore automatically a few times so do not sleep on their backs.

Tip: To sleep on his side a more comfortable put a pillow between your knees and your back one. Or you can buy special pillows for pregnant women.
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Trouble sleeping in baby and children

Yes, baby and children may also experience sleep disturbances. And sleep problems in children is easier to prevent than treat. But if it is already happening to your child, do not worry, the handling of this problem is with patience and perseverance.

Is your child having trouble sleeping?

Knowing whether your child is having trouble sleeping? We need to know that sleep duration depending on the age of your baby or child. A newborn until about the age of 3 months will require time to sleep almost all day (> 20 hours / day). Children will need time to sleep for 8-14 hours depending on the age of the child. But of course this varies depending also from the child

You should begin to see that your baby has trouble sleeping, if your baby:
-Woke up almost every night;
-Have hours of sleep is almost the same with you;
-Sleep continues at noon;
-Or have bad behavior because of lack of sleep at night.

So whether your baby or child has symptoms ---- do not get discouraged there is always a way to overcome it all.
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Friday, December 10, 2010

If you are in doubt whether you are pregnant?

If you are in doubt whether you are pregnant? 
In early pregnancy there are signs and symptoms that occur early, - you try to find out whether the signs / symptoms have on you.

Some of the symptoms that occur early in pregnancy:

• Not getting your period / menstruation. This is because the lining of the uterus is prepared for pregnancy. It is important to know the first day of last period, which can determine the approximate age of pregnancy and childbirth. Keep in mind that not getting your period but as a sign of early pregnancy can also be caused by something else.

• Nausea and vomiting. Occur because of hormonal changes. Known as "morning sickness" because of nausea and vomiting often occur in the morning in the first months of pregnancy.

• Frequent urination / urination. Occurred because bladder pressure by the enlarged uterus. Complaints will usually be reduced in pregnancy after 12 weeks and re-emerges after 28 weeks gestation.

• Cravings. Want a certain makanan2, occurring in the first few months.

• Other signs, such as breast enlargement hard, enlarged nipples, darker sometimes feels itchy and sore.

Every woman has symptoms that vary some mild, some are heavy but do not have any complaints. When the symptoms above do not have to you, then you can verify with other test, because every pregnant woman have a complaint and different symptoms.

To ensure your pregnancy, then you can test the urine. Tools for urine test can be found in pharmacies and you can do this test yourself at home.

On examination the urine test is to measure the levels of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone produced by the placenta and will increase in the urine and blood during the first week after conception.
In using these tests look at the instructions, and the most accurate and done in the morning, because this hormone increases the amount in the morning.

If still in doubt consult your doctor. Doctors will be able to confirm your pregnancy with ultrasound (ultrasonography), found a picture of the fetus.
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