Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Healthy food for pregnant women

There are so many types of food. But for pregnant women should avoid some foods that can cause infections such as: salmonella, toxoplasmosis, listeria, E. coli, which can harm the baby in your womb.

• Do not eat raw meat (sushi) cooked or undercooked, because it contains Toxoplasmosis a parasite that can cause serious infection in your baby as well as E. coli, which is dangerous for pregnant women and fetuses.

• Toxoplasmosis found in vegetables are not washed properly, therefore wash your vegetables well, especially for salads or vegetables are eaten raw. Avoid cat feces or playing with cats during pregnancy because they contain toxoplasmosis.

• Do not eat chicken and undercooked eggs are cooked or raw, avoid eating the liver of chicken / meat that may be the source of the salmonella, which can cause severe diarrhea in pregnant women. Also note the dishes, cooking tools are exposed to raw chicken meat is to be washed.

• Tuna steak, fish, sea bass, shark, or large-sized fish are known to contain high levels of mercury can cause neurological damage if eaten in large quantities. FDA recommendations tuna and large size is limited to 12 ounces per week

• Soft cheese such as brie and camembert, cheese blueveined also cheese from goat's milk and sheep, and do not drink milk that is not pasteurized. All these products have a risk of carrying listeria. Listeria type of bacteria that can penetrate the placenta and cause fetal infection, in adults there are no symptoms or flu-like. Listeria can cause miscarriage, premature birth, and toxicity in the blood. But avoid these foods until your baby.

• Do not drink containing alcohol can cause abnormalities in fetal development there is also an emotional problem in infants.

• Drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea should be avoided or limited because of coffee can affect the baby's low weight, miscarriage and caffeine also reduces the absorption of iron.

Remember your baby's development in the womb depends on what you eat during pregnancy.

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